Utah Tech Week

Yesterday I went to first Utah Tech Week showcase, located at The Depot. It was a wonderful event where various CEOs of big tech companies like DOMO, Qualtrics, and Overstock.com came and spoke about startup tips and what they are doing in their business. For example, Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith came and talked about how his company is practicing "radical transparency". Everyone knows everyone else's schedule, sales, and job performances. 

Instructure CEO Josh Coates came and spoke about "How to Succeed at Failure".  He listed four main steps: 

  1. Don't define success
  2. Listen to feedback
  3. Believe your lies about your company
  4. Listen to the grown ups

I thought the "Listen to grown ups" was the best part. He claimed that if you are an entreprenuer that you do not have to listen to someone just because they are rich, have multiple degrees, and/or have started multiple businesses.

His tips for "Succeeding at Success" were basically the opposite:

  1. Define success
  2. Be brutally honest with yourself about yourself
  3. Keep it real
  4. Follow your instincts - be selective about taking advice

The DOMO CEO Chris Harrington spoke about his journey as a CEO and starting DOMO, as well as the upcoming tech hub that Utah is becoming. Then he introduced Josh.

It was a great event and I am so looking forward to going there next year.