Reprap Update - Motors, and Bed
At last! I have the bed and the motors mounted on the printer. The motors weren't bad, I just had to find the right bolts to secure them to the plastic pieces.
The heated bed was a little more difficult--and by a little, I mean a lot. As mentioned before, we have a bigger heated bed. This required us to custom-cut the aluminum bed, as well as custom-sized glass to cover it. Both of which we bought from Home Depot, and used a grinder to cut the metal.
We have two linear bearings (which are freaking sweet, I would highly recommend using them if you have need of them) on the bottom of the bed, and then we have the usual spring suspension between the bed and the aluminum.
So far, things have been going smoothly. Almost everything has been built to-spec (except the bed and frame width) so there hasn't been any problems relating to the actual building. The worst things that have come up is getting time to work on it, and finding the right bolt/nut combo. Luckily I found a great shop not for from us that specializes in nuts and bolts that make things much easier.
.... That was much shorter than I thought it would have been. I guess length of time to complete does not always correspond to length of article!